I Received Bsc in Physiotherapy in 2016. I have since worked with a wide array of Patients. I participated in both in boxing and Soccer at a high level in my teenage years and suffered a few injuries along the way.
Understanding the physical and mental strain of injury in sport I have developed a keen interest in helping athletes of all levels return to play post injury. My main physiotherapy goal is to help patients get back to doing their every day to day activities pain free.
My approach to Physiotherapy has always been patient centred, to tailor a specific individualized program and to get them initially pain free and restore confidence to do tasks without fear of re-injury. My physiotherapy techniques are a combination of manual therapy, exercise therapy, strength training and education and advice.
A great phrase in Physiotherapy that i like is ‘there is nothing wrong with getting strong’ My physiotherapy goals are simple, decrease pain , increase function , increase strength, and prevent future re-injury.
What I like to do with my off time is primarily based around sports. I Play with a local soccer team here in the Vancouver metro soccer league. If I am not playing/watching sports I like to go on walks along the beach and stop to read a book.