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Top Exercises for Managing Vertigo at Home

Vertigo, characterized by dizziness and imbalance, often stems from inner ear issues like BPPV. Exercise-based therapies like Brandt-Daroff and Semont maneuvers can help reposition calcium deposits in the inner ear, alleviating symptoms. Gaze stabilization and habituation exercises further aid in managing vertigo by improving visual stability and desensitizing the brain to triggering movements. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting exercises to ensure safety and effectiveness tailored to your condition. Incorporating these exercises and lifestyle adjustments can significantly reduce vertigo episodes and enhance overall well-being.

Vertigo is a disorienting sensation of spinning or whirling that can significantly disrupt daily activities. According to the University of California, nearly 40% of people have vertigo episodes at some point. This condition is typically manifested as dizziness, but it can also trigger nausea, vomiting, and balance issues.


While vertigo can stem from various underlying conditions, many cases are linked to issues within the complex structures of the inner ear that serve to maintain equilibrium. Fortunately, there are some activities you can implement in your daily life to combat vertigo symptoms. Keep reading to learn the top exercises for managing vertigo at home.

Understanding Vertigo: A Look at the Inner Ear

To grasp the mechanisms behind vertigo and the rationale for exercise-based interventions, you need to understand the inner ear’s role in maintaining balance. This complex system has three semicircular canals and two otolith organs (utricle and saccule), all filled with fluid and lined with hair cells.


The three canals notice rotational movements, while the otolith organs serve as sensors for gravity and linear accelerations. When these structures function correctly, they relay precise information to the brain, enabling us to maintain equilibrium and spatial awareness.


However, when there are disruptions within the inner ear, such as the displacement of calcium carbonate crystals (Canaliths) from the utricle into the semicircular canals, it often results in vertigo. This condition, known as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), is among the most frequent causes of vertigo.

Exercise as a Treatment Option

While medications and surgical interventions may be necessary in severe cases, exercise-based therapies are usually effective enough for managing vertigo, particularly when caused by inner ear disorders like BPPV. Vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) focuses on retraining the brain to adapt to imbalances within the vestibular system, the body’s control center for balance and spatial orientation.


VRT uses a series of targeted exercises to help alleviate vertigo symptoms, improve balance, and reduce the risk of falls. These exercises often focus on repositioning the displaced Canaliths within the inner ear and potentially resolving the underlying cause of BPPV.

Top Exercises for Managing Vertigo at Home

While you should consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan, several exercises can be safely performed at home to manage vertigo symptoms.

Brandt-Daroff Exercises

Designed to reposition the tiny calcium deposits in the inner ear, the Brandt-Daroff exercises aim to alleviate vertigo associated with BPPV. 

Here’s how to perform them:

  • Sit on the edge of a bed or a flat surface, keeping your legs outstretched.
  • Turn your head to the right or in the direction that provokes vertigo, creating a 45-degree angle.
  • Lie down on the opposite side of your head. Hold this position for 30 seconds or until the dizziness subsides.
  • Slowly return to the first seated position, pausing for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat the process, turning your head 45 degrees to the opposite side and lying down on the other side.
  • Complete a set of five repetitions on each side, twice daily.
  • For individuals with neck limitations, modifications can be made by reducing the degree of head rotation or performing the exercises in a more upright position.

These exercises work by using gravity to reposition the displaced Canaliths, enabling them to migrate back to their proper location within the utricle, thereby alleviating vertigo symptoms.

Semont Maneuver

The Semont maneuver is another effective Canalith repositioning technique for managing BPPV-related vertigo. It involves a series of rapid head and body movements that can be performed at home. Follow the instructions carefully and exercise caution, as this maneuver may trigger temporary vertigo symptoms.

  • Get seated upright on a flat surface and keep your legs outstretched.
  • Turn your head 45 degrees toward the affected ear (the side causing vertigo).
  • Lie down on the opposite side and keep your head in the same position. Hold for 30 seconds or until the dizziness calms down.
  • In a single motion, swiftly move your body to face the opposite direction, keeping your head turned. Hold this position for another 30 seconds.
  • Slowly come back to the initial position.


Consult a healthcare professional before attempting the Semont maneuver. They can assess your individual situation and determine whether it’s the right approach or if you should try an alternative.

Canalith Repositioning Maneuvers

Canalith repositioning exercises like the Foster maneuver, also known as the half somersault, can also be effective in managing BPPV-related vertigo. These exercises involve specific head and body motions designed to help dislodged Canaliths settle back in their appropriate location within the inner ear. 

Although they can be performed at home, consulting a healthcare professional for personalized instruction and guidance is highly recommended. This is to ensure proper technique and minimize the risk of complications. Improper execution or attempting these maneuvers without medical supervision can potentially exacerbate vertigo symptoms or lead to other complications.

Gaze Stabilization Exercises

Gaze stabilization exercises serve to train the eye muscles and improve visual stability. They involve tracking a moving object with the eyes while keeping the head still or moving the head while focusing on a stationary target.

For example, you can slowly move a pen or your fingertip horizontally while keeping your eyes fixed on it. You can also turn your head side-to-side while focusing on a fixed point on the wall. Doing these exercises helps the brain to process visual information more effectively, reducing the sensation of spinning or dizziness.

Habituation Exercises

Habituation exercises involve gradually exposing the body to movements or positions that typically trigger vertigo symptoms. By repeatedly exposing the vestibular system to these provocative stimuli, the brain learns to adapt and becomes less sensitive to the sensory mismatch that causes vertigo. Examples of habituation exercises include head-shaking exercises, turning the head side-to-side while seated, or performing specific eye movements that induce dizziness. 

Important Considerations and Safety Tips

While exercises can help in managing vertigo at home, prioritize your safety and follow essential precautions:

  • Consult a Healthcare Professional: Before attempting any exercises, consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and personalized guidance. 
  • Proper Form and Progression: Ensure you understand and follow the correct form and technique for each exercise. Start with gentler movements and gradually progress as tolerated. 
  • Safe Environment: Perform exercises in a safe environment, free from obstacles or potential hazards. It’s advisable to have someone present, especially during initial attempts, to assist you if needed.
  • Listen to Your Body: Respect your body’s limitations and don’t disregard its signals. If you experience serious or constant vertigo, seek medical attention promptly.

Additional Lifestyle Modifications for Managing Vertigo

While exercises can be highly effective in managing vertigo symptoms, incorporating other lifestyle modifications can improve your overall well-being and reduce the frequency and severity of vertigo episodes:

  • Stress Management: Chronic stress can exacerbate vertigo symptoms. Try lowering your stress levels with deep breathing exercises, or yoga and meditation practices.
  • Adequate Sleep: Ensuring sufficient, high-quality sleep can help mitigate vertigo episodes and promote overall physical and mental well-being.
  • Staying Hydrated: Dehydration can contribute to vertigo, so make it a priority to consume adequate fluids throughout the day.
  • Avoiding Triggers: Identify and avoid potential triggers that may worsen your vertigo symptoms, such as alcohol, caffeine, or certain medications (consult your healthcare provider for guidance).

Get Expert Help and Manage Vertigo Symptoms Effectively

By incorporating the right exercises for yourself, you can treat the underlying causes of vertigo and improve your overall balance and well-being. At Prime Health + Performance, our team of experienced healthcare professionals can help you overcome vertigo and regain your confidence and quality of life. If you feel out of balance due to vertigo, don’t hesitate to contact us today.